FarmCRM Installation

FarmCRM Features:

  • Crops module
    Crops in FarmCRM will hold all information specific to crops that your organization produces. This is used for calculating yields and quotas, kilograms per square meter, profit per square meter, germinate, transplant, harvest, delivery and expiry dates, notifying employees of upcoming and current job allocations, seed tracking and statistics, and much more.
  • Plots module
    Plots in FarmCRM will hold information specific to planted and growing produce and is the backbone of the customer self-serve system. Here you will find a list of all upcoming, current, or overdue crops with their associated dates for germination, transplant, harvest, delivery and expiry.
  • Accounts module
    Accounts in SuiteCRM will hold all information specific to a company that your organization will have a relationship with. This module allows you to manage all accounts.
  • Bugs module
    To records and track bugs in the products that you offer.
  • Calendar module
    Manage your time by scheduling Meetings, Calls and Tasks, and optionally share your Calendar so to allow others to view your upcoming activities.
  • Calls module
    Schedule and log a record of inbound and outbound calls.
  • Campaigns module
    To track, evaluate and manage campaigns including the sending of email marketing campaigns and surveys.
  • Cases module
    Cases are used to record interactions with Customers when they ask for help or advice, for example in a Sales or Support function.
  • Contacts module
    Contact is an individual who is typically associated with an Account and Opportunity. This module allows you to manage all contacts.
  • Contracts module
    Used to manage Contracts and renewal dates.
  • Documents module
    The Documents module can be used as a repository for Customer issued or internal files.
  • Emails module
    Record emails sent to and from customers.
  • Events module
    Manage information of an particular event and send out invites to delegates.
  • Invoices module
    Used to create, track and issue Invoices to customers
  • Knowledge Base module
    Template responses to be used with the Cases module.
  • Leads module
    View leads (unqualified sales prospects) in customizable list, and manage them. Once a Lead is qualified and converted it will turn in to; a Contact once you have established ‘Who’ it is, an Account when you know ‘Where’ they work and an Opportunity once it is known ‘What’ they might buy.
  • Meetings module
    Schedule and record meetings with your customers and leads.
  • Notes module
    Used to keep a record of any comments, observations or explanations to build the customer profile.
  • Opportunities module
    An Opportunity is a qualified Sales prospect. This module allows you to track your Opportunities throughout the Sales Pipeline until the deal is ‘Closed Lost or ‘Closed Won’.
  • PDF Templates module
    To create templates that can be used for Quotes, Invoices and Contracts.
  • Products module
    A product catalogue where users can select from when preparing Quotes.
  • Projects module
    Projects module allows the User to arrange their organisation’s projects by tracking a number of Tasks and allocating resources.
  • Quotes module
    Used to create, track and issue Quotations to customers
  • Reports module
    Real-time reporting using CRM data.
  • Targets module
    Typically Targets are used as the recipients of a Marketing Campaign, your organisation knows very little about these individuals and they may be re-used for new Campaigns or deleted without any impact to the business.
  • Target Lists module
    Distribution Lists used when sending email marketing campaigns.
  • Tasks module
    SuiteCRM can assist Users with productivity, offering a way to record, relate and assign Tasks and to-do items that require action.
  • Workflow module
    Automated actions based on conditions within the CRM data.
  • Responsive layout feature
    View the CRM on any device.
  • Languages feature
    Translations for over 69 languages, 25 of them over 90% complete.
  • Customizable frontpage feature
    Customize your front page with dashlets that contain lead info, custom charts, reports and more, in one or multiple tabs.
  • Customizable menu feature
    Customize your menu to gain quick access to the modules that are important for you.
  • Developer Tools feature
    Customize module fields, layouts and relationships with Studio, create and edit modules and module layouts, and configure tabs.
  • Desktop Notifications feature
    Receive desktop notifications, such as upcoming meetings and newy assigned leads
  • Advanced Search feature
    Many CRM’s will have large data sets so SuiteCRM allows you to preform advanced searches on all modules. The optional full text global search feature enables enhanced functionality of searching text in documents and other files.
  • User Management feature
    Manage SuiteCRM users. Set employee information, role, locale settings and more.
  • Role Management feature
    Manage role membership and properties, limiting or granting access to access, delete, edit, export, import, list, mass update and view each module.
  • Password Management feature
    Manage password requirements and expiration, enable LDAP Support, and SAML Authentication.
  • Security Suite Group Management feature
    Configure Security Suite settings such as group inheritance, additive security, etc. Control what your users can access. Lock down sensitive data to specific groups or teams.
  • System settings feature
    Configure the system-wide settings, such as theme, currencies, languages, activity streams, etc. according to the specifications of your organization. Users can override some of the default locale settings within their user settings page.
  • Rest API feature
    Integrate SuiteCRM with other applications, like ERPs, Marketing tools, and more.
  • Add-ons manager feature
    Install and manage SuiteCRM add-ons, creating new functionality in your CRM. Over 100 add-ons are available in the add-on store.
  • PayPortal for SuiceCRM Addon by WizDev
    Bill and receipt customers through a secure email form.