Wizard Projects

Here at Wizard Consulting & Development we have built a number of interesting projects. Not all of them have yet reached completion, and come with absolutely no warranty, but here for your browsing are the following projects:

  • WizDev Hosting Service – Written in PHP and extending WordPress, we provide hosting through our WPMS network.
  • FarmCRM – Written in PHP and extending SuiteCRM, we provide an end-to-end precision agriculture management system integrated with your business management suite.
  • PayPortal for SuiteCRM – Written in PHP and Javascript, we provide a next-generation customer portal with self-serve checkout for SuiteCRM and Advanced OpenSales.
  • WizardLinux – Built with Archiso, we provide an ArchLinux (re)distribution with sane default settings, your choice of graphical or command-line installers, and selected must-have tools for completion.
  • Software Encabulator – Written in PHP and Javascript, we provide a clone/sequel to Universal Paperclips, the hit browser game of 2007.